Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Ultimate Betrayal

     Cheating has been going on since man and woman were created, and it will continue to happen. Jesse James, Tiger Woods, Sean P-Diddy Combs, Eric Benet (Halle Berry can’t win), and even the young Chris Brown have this in common. I’m positive that you know of people who have cheated and who’ve been cheated on. Unfortunately this is a common issue in many relationships, and NO ONE is exempt from this possibly happening to them. However, the first two questions most women want to know when confronted with this issue is: Do you love her? Did you use protection? The revelation that you’re “in love” with another woman OR that you put our health at risk and didn’t “wrap it up” delivers devastating blows! We will want to grab YOUR valuables to break, throw at you, and hurt you because that’s how heart wrenching finding out that type of news can be. We think it can’t possibly get any worse until...We find out “she is pregnant” with your child?   
     Another woman having your baby is the ULTIMATE betrayal to us. We would rather you have a one night stand then to find out you’re having an “emotional affair” with another woman. We are possessive over who we love, and we need the affirmation of knowing we are THE ONLY woman to claim your heart. Therefore, if you have a long standing affair with another woman that means she now has a piece of what “we feel” belongs to us. Furthermore, creating a life with her is now a constant reminder of that connection. The baby is apart of you; A life that we didn’t create together, and this other woman will ALWAYS have a piece of you. All of these thoughts race through our head because we’re discovering that what we THOUGHT we had...Doesn’t FULLY belong to us. Even though finding out if you’re cheating IS an issue that’s hard to forgive, it is possible to work through that if we decide to stay. We figure working the relationship out is possible because this other person has no ties to you and can easily be erased from the picture. That idea however isn’t possible with a baby around. Another child forces that other woman to have a role in your life, which is something many of us can’t handle. Every-time we would “have” to see the other woman’s child, it would break our hearts again, because we’re reminded of your infidelity. Topple that with the fact that you put our health at risk and allowed another woman to connect that close with you.
  Is it possible to work a relationship out when a “love-child” is involved? I think yes because I know of couples who have. However, it’s a long road ahead back to happiness. The trust is completely gone, and a relationship with no trust isn’t a healthy one. If the man is willing to endure the arguments, her snide remarks, tracking his every move, jealousy, and excessively possessive ways in the beginning then they might make it to the other side. Question is do you think the relationship is worth saving? As a woman you have to ask yourself: Are you going to put in the work it takes to get back to a good place? I say this because it isn’t only him that has to put in the effort. You have decide is he worth your time, and what do you want for YOURSELF. With maturity I now believe that trusting someone isn’t believing that they’ll never break your heart, it’s the notion of knowing they’ll TRY their best not to do it. People are fallible and they do make mistakes; You just have to decide what’s your limit.    
*Note: I used the picture of Diddy and then pregnant girlfriend Kim Porter because she was carrying his daughters while his “side chic” was pregnant with his child. The kids are five months apart, and they shortly broke up after this revelation. He has cheated many times, but I guess the revelation of him creating a baby with another woman, was too much for her to bare.  


  1. An interesting read. It made me wonder though: Do women forgive men who cheat and have a child with someone else more often than men forgive women who cheat and have a child with someone else?

  2. Thank you Anonymous: My thoughts is men don't forgive as nearly as much as we do because 1. Women don't get caught as often. 2. There egos get in the way. The thought of knowing you gave their "goods" to another and allowed him to go unprotected; They take that as a violation to their manhood...a baby is an even further blow.

  3. This happened to me, and once I found out the other woman was with child, it was a wrap. Just to imagine him fathering a child that was someone else's was too much to fathom. Not to mention that I was not his "baby mama" and this would be his first born, there was no point to stay or make it work. Once a person steps out of their "comitment" and has unprotected intercourse they have made the decision that their current relationship was not that valuable or salvagable. Not to say I'm perfect, but if you are cheating and you go raw you know what you are asking for! Clinic trip, Babies and a broken relationship

  4. Anonymous even though I feel this situation CAN BE salvageable, I feel the same as you do. I don't believe it could be something I can forgive. The thought of him going raw plus having a constant reminder running around of that fact is too much for me.

  5. iv always had it at the back of my mind dt my man cheats, but had never caught him all d while weve bn together until just last month i was at a wedding and ds chick came up to me telling me shes heard so much about me, sayn its so nice to finally meet her mans cousin. i wanted d earth to just swallow me there and then. i said to her "point of correction, im his girlfrend, n who are u". and den she says "im his girlfrend". long story short, i showed him a side of me hed never seen before, n blah blah blah...i finally forgave him. u knw wat upsets me most bout his crooked ways, im FUCKING 100% loyal to him. dts just who i am. i love him beyond ds world n i knw he loves me wv his life. he dsnt rub his cheatn in my face, im jst so sure hed alwys b a player.wat do i do. can i marry ds man.will i suffer d consequences in yrs to come

  6. @Anony april 20th- I literally started my blog because I have so many friends and know so many women in situations like yours and it saddens me. You said that you know he loves you with all his life...does he really? If he loved you with all his life why would he do something that would hurt you to your core? Why would he not have enough respect for you to introduce you at a wedding as his woman? Many times us women convince ourselves that a cheating spouse loves us more than anything because it's too difficult to think otherwise. Love is a verb, and the ACTIONS followed behind someone saying it is what counts. None of the actions you've discussed on his part proves his ultimate love for you. None of his actions sound worthy of your love quite frankly. Furthermore, him deciding not to rub his cheating in your face should NOT be mis-construed as him having respect for you, it is not. If you know he is a habitual player, why would you marry someone like that? Why would you put yourself in a position to be heartbroken? and you will be heartbroken because you said you know he cheats...If that is the case, and in your heart him cheating hurts you, I WOULDN'T SUGGEST MARRIAGE. Marriage doesn't change a person's negative ways to good, you have to practice those good behaviors before taking those steps. I think everyone is capable of cheating, but there are 2 different types of cheaters; 1. Habitual cheaters who will always cheat no matter what they have at home 2. Loyal spouses who stepped outside of their relationship because something's missing in their relationship. If your man is habitual please don't expect marriage to change that. Please don't convince yourself that he really loves you regardless because he gave you the legal title of wife...know your true worth. Be blessed and keep me posted.
