Saturday, February 5, 2011

HE/SHE is THE 1! Love Has Arrived...

<3- He's the 1 when you STILL find his stinka$$ other compares. #DamnHesGotMyHeart
<3- She's the 1 you want 2 come home too after a long day...the 1 you see a future with. #SheMakesEverythingBetter
<3- He's the 1 you find yourself fantasizing about...
#YouWant2doalltypesof s*h! 
<3- She's the 1that makes you want to"dead" all the rest...the others just don't compare. #DamnShe’sGotYourHeart
<3- He's the 1 that makes you feel like laying in bed... WITH HIM all day. #SundaysNeverFeltSoooGood
<3- She's the one when you have zero problems farting, having bad breath, &"Going 2 the bathroom" around her. #ShelovesME'n'WHAT!
<3- He’s the one that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin...#IneverKnewAloveLikeTHIS!
<3- She's the 1 that looks even more beautiful to you without make-up, because she’s just a beautiful person... #IveNeverFeltlikeThis4aWomen
<3- He's the 1 that makes you want to try "new things"... just 4 him.
<3- She's the 1 you want to see again...again and AGAIN. #LifeWouldntBeTheSamewithoutHER
<3- He's the 1 that makes a bad day NOT matter. #YourRock
<3- She's the 1 when you find yourself thinking about her 4 no reason. #DamnShesTHATgood!
<3- HE or SHE is the one when you can’t wait until the weekend to see them... #DamnThisHighFeelsGoooood!
<3- Don't be Scared/Embrace it/Take a Chance/and Float...

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