Sunday, December 26, 2010


Oh boy! I remember when going out and meeting someone with POTENTIAL (i.e. attractive, has a job, respectful, at least willing to pay for the date) was an easy task. Pick any lounge, mall, club, or even gas station in NYC and you could find "a date for Friday night." However the economy isn't the only thing that suffered in the recession! I have a bunch of single (good-looking I might add) friends who complain they can't find a date. All I hear is "where are all the good dudes at? They MUST be in jail or dead because I go out and see nothing but lames!" My available male friends complain also..."I keep meeting the chic who has CRAZY issues or who doesn't have anything going for herself!" I will say and admit this: YES GOING OUT and finding a date "worth your time" is harder to find, and here are the TOP 3 reasons why:

1. THE INTERNET! Online social and dating networks have made people become more reclusive. Many men don't have to approach women in social settings anymore at the fear of putting up with the rejection line "I gotta man". And why should they when they can go home, log onto any dating/networking website and find a slew of woman winking, flirting, and emailing them. Technology is great but it has caused a generation of "socially challenged" people. Picking up the phone to "talk" is outdated just as meeting a new person face to face is also.

2. NO JOBS=NO $ FOR DATES! Contrary to popular beliefs, we're still in a recession. 1/2 of this country is currently unemployed and a large part of the working class don't make enough money to splurge. Therefore, ladies those days of having multiple dates in 1 week at the expense of a man are O.V. E. R. Most regular dudes can't afford to take four chics out a month furthermore multiple women in 1 week! When talking with my guy friends, they told me point blank they're only willing to spend $$$ on a date if she's "wifey material". Meaning, the woman has to have qualities they're looking for in a long-term relationship, and they've already made a connection with her. Very few are even willing to spend "doe" just because they know a woman is a "GTF" (girl to f*ck); They stated "we can find a girl willing to do that for free surfing the net." #WOW!

3.  THE I'M A STAR EPIDEMIC! If you've been to a club, lounge, or any large social gathering lately chances are the scene left you irritated with you saying to yourself "how did I meet NO ONE when there were so many people there?!" I'll tell you why, many people who attend these events have mistaken themselves for celebrities; Meaning they don't venture outside of their entourages to introduce themselves, socialize, or get to know people. It's almost has if they expect you to know who they are already. Many times they instead talk, dance, eat, drink, and "pop bottles" ONLY within their circles. If you're in a club or lounge setting, chances are many people inside are wearing "star studded shades" so making eye contact and flirting across the room is OUT THE QUESTION.

Should I deliver the good or bad news 1st?...The bad news is meeting a quality person to date via' going out is VERY difficult nowadays. This concept isn't going to change as long as the internet social networking sites that intrigue us all still exists. The internet has taken social networking and dating to another level and that prospect isn't going to change. However, the good news is it's STILL possible to meet someone without the use of the internet. One of the best ways are through mutual friends, which is how I met my partner. Many people have friends of the opposite sex that are great people but were never a "match" for them personally. "Hooking" up or introducing that friend to your other friend by throwing a house party, spades party, dinner, or gathering is a great strategy. Having a house gathering also promotes socialization because the setting is intimate. It allows friends, and friends of friends to come to your house and meet each-other in a non-pretentious comfortable environment. Also a significant amount of people found their partners where they spend most of their time, and that's at work. If you are comfortable dating someone at your job, it can be a great place to meet someone. However, proceed with caution and establish "dating co-worker rules" for yourself when venturing there because it's your J.O.B. and a bad date with a co-worker can make the workplace awkward.  



  1. I'm Just trying the internet dating thing for the first time and it's horrible. I can't seem to meet anyone normal there. The men proposition you for sex, they are lying about who they are, or just flat out weird. One dude sent me three different pictures of PEOPLE and tried to convince me they were all him!

  2. I think all of the good men are taken......

  3. Realistically, I don't think that you will ever find that person with 10/10 of what u "expect" in a mate.... With that being said, not saying to settle, but lets be realistic, first with ourselves! If he's not a baller-shot- caller, but has a good job and can support HIMSELF first, then that should be taken into consideration. Also, readjust ur expectations and re-prioritize as u "mature".... WHAT WAS HOT TO ME IN '96, ISN'T on my criteria in 2010! Most importantly, DO NOT compare each relationship, if you get that far. Instead beware of those red flags that you told urself U WLD NVR do again! Typically what u see is what u get. With that being said.......UR NVR changing anyone, so dont waste ur time.... NO MATTER how good the sex is :)

  4. Maritza thats's what I hate about internet dating...the promise to "meet" multiple people is a definite unlike going out to a social setting. HOWEVER, the issue of quantity vs. quality is the problem! You "meet" A LOT of people but most of them aren't worth your time. As for all the good men being taken; I don't think that's true and if you don't believe me just ask your girls who are in "un-filling" relationships, so don't be discouraged. I went to a house party a couple of weeks ago and it was so much fun...people were talking and socializing like it was 1998 lol! I say try the house get-togethers and tell friends to bring friends. Also just like ol' fashioned dating you have to go through the weeds before finding the right dude. The same applies with internet dating, so don't give up on that. Online dating is here to stay and has taken over so if you meet too many jerks, give yourself a break from it...Comeback and try it again. Nowadays good love is HARD to find and you have to use EVERY facet available to find that right person aka use every hustle out there including the internet.

  5. Preach Rachelle Preach!!! Forget the 10/10 because the 80/20 rule is true and real. As for comparing each relationship I agree totally. Im talking to one of the "besties" now and we're discussing a black guy she knows who's fine, makes NBA doe (aka drop ya panties doe), AND IS MARRIED! I literally said I need to talk to the HIS wife to know what issues they have as ALL relationships do! I say that because even though he sounds great on paper and can make you compare your man, there's ALWAYS a flip side!

  6. ( I'm posting for a friend because he had trouble so here is his two cents....his name is Alpha Man.)

    A lot of women make the claim that they can't find a good man. They usually make this statement to their real cool male friend who they talk to at work. Or the guy who is real cool with them that they chat with on facebook from time to time. This guy doesn't own a business. He isn't a lawyer. He doesn't play for the Knicks. He isn't finishing his rotation in med school. Instead, this guy works for UPS. This guy fills the vending machines for office buildings. This guy works for some random company. This isn't the dude who stops traffic with his looks. He doesn't have a 6 pack. He isn't 6'3. But you know what... he is a good man. So I will never ascribe to the notion that there are no good men out there. That is a bunch of bull. There are plenty of good men that get passed over every single day. I can tell you dozens of stories of good men (a lot I know from my fraternity brothers) who have so much love to give but never are given the time of day because they don't fit the picture image that a lot of women have in their heads. I have a female friend at my church who is extremely attractive. She is a lawyer and very successful. She owns her own home, owns her own car, frequents the gym and loves to travel. She said she wanted a good man. She was approached by a brother at our church that EVERYONE passed over. He isn't fine. He looks okay I guess but he stutters a lot. So it is difficult talking to him at times because you want to be polite and wait for him to get it out. But this brother has a good heart. So he approached her and asked her out. She went. On their first date, they sat up by the waterfront where we live and talked until the sun came up. She called me to tell me about it and said that he isnt normally her type so she was so confused as to what to do. I told her to follow her heart. The next day, she had a delivery of flowers (not just any flower but her favorite flower) to her job. She had BRIEFLY mentioned to him what her favorite flower is and he paid attention. Remember, this is the not cute stutterer. He had a lot of love to give but nobody would allow him to because they kept looking for the "good" man. To make a long story short, I was happy to receive their wedding announcement in the mail. Not only that, he spent 20K on her diamond boulder ring. Oh, he also had a lot of money to give but nobody gave him the chance. I was happy to attend their house warming in their new crib. And I was even happier to visit them in the hospital a few months ago to see their new baby girl. There are so many stories like this that I can share because I see them all the time or hear them from my brothers or male friends. My point? I think a lot of women pass over good men and a lot of women PURSUE what they see as a good man and they waste a lot of time. How about not going to lounges or clubs looking for a real man. What can you expect to find in a club??? How about church? How about Proverbs - a good man FINDS a wife and obtains favor from the Lord. I do like the social gathering at a friend's home though because you are more in control of the element invited. A club will bring knucleheads dressed up like "good" men. Sorry I got longwinded.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wow Well said and a lot to think about Alpha man!!!

  9. @Alpha man I cannot argue with anything you stated because it's all very true. Just as Rachelle stated, "not saying to settle, but lets be realistic, first with ourselves! If he's not a baller-shot- caller, but has a good job and can support HIMSELF first, then that should be taken into consideration. Also, readjust ur expectations and re-prioritize as u "mature"...." Some women have unrealistic expectations and a twisted ideal of they THINK a good man is. However, with that being said so do many men and thats what I mean by the "I'm a star" epidemic. Superficial ideals are making it hard for good single people out there to find a mate. Congrats to your friend and I hope more women are inspired by her story! Your comment was thought provoking, join the movement over here at clueless :)

  10. Coming from a serial internet dater (yours truly), Ive met them all (the good, the bad, and the ugly)! I could write several books on the cast of characters Ive met over the years...But trying to find a suitable mate takes work. There are good men out there. Alpha man wrote chapter and verse with his post. I totally agree. It is often the guy you overlook, who's the true treasure. When I met my man, he wasnt the guy who stands out in a crowded room. He's the shy guy standing against the wall. When I told a close man friend about him. He said, "He could be a diamond in the rough. He might just need a little polishing." And what a diamond he is! You can"t change anyone. But you have to be able to recognize quality when you see it. So give the shy guy a chance. It maybe the best decision you've ever made. It was for me!

  11. Im just tired of the men an their stories they are always in a situation an always denying it at that. Especially the older ones. And why do men deny their own flesh an blood if you got 2 kids says you got 2 kids dont wait until you get caught up in a relationship an then out of the blue you have another kid. You an your kid or kids are a passage if they can't accept you an your package maybe they not the one for you.

  12. I've read each of your blogs and enjoyed all of them.. I look forward in reading more from you.. *smiles*

  13. and I'm definitely trying my hardest not to give up faith on finding that "right one" Because I do believe that there are still "good men" out there.. It just becomes extremely frustrating.. But I will continue to remain positive..

  14. I dnt think all the good men are taken. matter of fact, I'm starting to see more single men that are looking for a woman to settle down with, kinda strange I know. The "Womans market" is coming back slowly


  15. @Kelly Thanks so much, it means a lot! Also what I learned in talking to my male friends is that they experience the same frustrations you feel...Finding "the one" I believe is about timing. Everything happens for a reason and when it's supposed to. Please don't give up because then you become jaded and won't recognize a good man when you finally find one. Stay positive and continue to exude good energy.

  16. @Anonymous exactly, many men do want to settle down and unfortunately they're complaining they can't find a good woman! How bizzare is that?!
